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83% Marketers Face Threat Of Data Breach According To Ensighten

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New Research Shows 83% of U.S. Companies Anticipate a Potential Data Breach — Yet Two-Thirds Are Under-Prepared.

New York: Ensighten, data privacy and omnichannel data management company, today announced the release of its inaugural U.S. survey on Marketing Data Security. On the backdrop of GDPR and with the CCPA deadline fast approaching, the Spring 2019 survey, the first of its kind in the U.S. market, and accompanying white paper, “The Alarming Data Security Vulnerabilities Within Today’s Enterprises,” examines self-reported preparedness levels, knowledge of threat types and vulnerabilities. The research identifies organizations’ current and future plans, including investment around prevention of data breach and leakage.

Among numerous findings, the research shows that 83% of respondent companies, many with a global presence, suspect they are at risk of breaches, but two-thirds of them have not yet put proper protective measures in place. EMI Research Solutions conducted the survey for Ensighten.

In our survey of U.S. companies and global enterprises, we set out to better understand exactly where these executives stand regarding real-time control and management of enterprise and customer data on their websites and other digital properties,” said Ensighten Chief Revenue Officer Ian Woolley. “After all, a company’s website is more than a branding vehicle, more than a marketing piece. It is a data supported sales and marketing hub, a core business asset that needs to be protected. So, while our survey certainly showed a relatively high level of awareness—due to the uptick in breach-related headlines over recent years—we were startled by the lack of specific knowledge on threat types and corporate readiness in general.”

“The Alarming Data Security Vulnerabilities Within Today’s Enterprises” uncovers a state of transition and unrest when it comes to Marketing Security inside U.S. companies. Surveyed executives—all decision makers on data security, across Marketing, Security and IT—universally professed a high level of awareness and even alert on client-side website security vulnerabilities, yet they also confirmed that their organizations are not taking proactive measures and are effectively under-invested in protection.


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